
I’m a New York-based art director, illustrator, and designer who loves to tell a good story and is currently taking on select freelance projects. I’m also interested in graphic designer roles in film and tv art departments.

I’m often hired for

Art direction, conceptual design, title sequences, illustration for motion, editorial illustration, packaging, branding, publishing, advertising, and making a mean cocktail.

I’m also currently rewatching
Futurama | Guy Montgomery’s Guy Mont Spelling Bee | Taskmaster

Selected Clients

Adult Swim | Antidote | Apple | Axios | BET | Disney | Framestore | FX | HBO | Imaginary Forces | Known | Mastercard | School of Motion | Savannah College of Art and Design | Sibling Rivalry | Spotify | Troika | Trollback & Co | Virtue | WeWork | Yahoo


Illustrator | Photoshop | InDesign | After Effects | Premiere Pro | Procreate | Google Suite | Microsoft Suite | Keynote | Figma | Rhino | TwinMotion